Operator / Data Provider FAQ
Are there any staking requirements to become a Data Provider?
For any decentralized system to thrive, an effective incentive structure is essential, particularly for ensuring proper conduct within the network. Therefore, Data Providers must stake at least 100,000 APV tokens. These staked assets act as collateral, allowing operators to participate in the consensus process. While staked, the assets are held in escrow on the network, making them unavailable to the token holders during this period.
What is the process of becoming operator in Api-Verse network ?
Please fill out this form MICHAŁ_WSTAW_TUTAJ_LINKA_DO_GOOGLE_FORMA Also, you can reach out to the team via Api-Verse community Discord for more information.
What are the minimum system requirements to become a Data Provider?
Vertical and horizontal sharding are two techniques used to enhance the scalability of a system's infrastructure. Vertical sharding, also known as vertical partitioning, involves dividing a database into smaller, more manageable pieces based on columns or specific attributes. This allows different parts of the data to be stored and processed independently, optimizing performance and resource allocation. On the other hand, horizontal sharding, or horizontal partitioning, splits the database into rows, distributing them across multiple servers. This approach enables the system to handle increased loads by adding more servers, thus improving scalability. Together, these sharding methods allow for flexible scaling both up and down, accommodating varying levels of demand. As a result, it becomes feasible to operate only a portion of the system on a low-end machine, efficiently utilizing resources without compromising on performance.
Data Provider Requirements:
- Minimum Requirements:
- CPU with 2+ cores
- 256GB HDD
- 5 MBit/sec upload Internet Service
- Medium Requirements:
- CPU with 4+ cores
- 16GB RAM
- 25 MBit/sec upload Internet Service
- High-End Requirements :
- CPU with 16+ cores
- 128GB RAM
- 32TB SSD
- 100 MBit/sec upload Internet Service
Will slashing exist on the Api-Verse network?
Slashing will exist on the Api-Verse network eventually but it requires some time to be introduced. In the meantime slashing is replaced by not providing the rewards to the operators.
Can operator change rewards wallet address?
Yes. It is possible via interacting with the smart conract dedicated for the operators.