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Starting to work

Data Flow is a tool designed to streamline the process of interacting with smart contracts on different networks and with different addresses.


Once you open the application, you will see a view consisting of three areas:

  • the sidebar, where you will find all the necessary tools;
  • the results bar, where you will see the results of your operations and call methods;
  • and the work area, where you will perform your operations.

Abi explorer

The sidebar

The sidebar contains all the tools offered by Data Flow to interact with smart contracts. Here you will find the nodes needed to create flows, contract methods after loading ABI contracts, and the possibility to connect a wallet if you want to interact with methods that require gas.

If at any time you need more space for your operations, you can collapse the sidebar by pressing the icon at the top of the sidebar to the right of the API-Verse logo.

Connecting a wallet

To call contract methods that require gas, you must first connect your cryptocurrency wallet to the app. This can be done by pressing the “Connect Wallet” button at the top of the sidebar, below the API-Verse logo.

By pressing this button, the wallet will be automatically detected and an authorization request will be sent. Once after the authorization, you will be connected to the application and the wallet address will appear in the “Connect Wallet” space.