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Data Explorer

Data explorer is the main functionality of Transaction insights, it allows you to explore and display data of blocks and transactions on different chains. To use data explorer navigate to the “Data” tab on the sidebar and choose the type of data you want to explore. This will take you to the data explorer for the chosen option and will allow you to search for the data in different ways.

Abi explorer

On top of data explorer, under the tabs you will be able to select an api key that will be used in the call while browsing data. Upon creation of the account a trial key is assigned to the account and will be automatically selected here if it was not removed.

Underneath the api key you will see the data explorer itself with the option to choose the exact type of data you want to browse, depending on the chosen tab information required to enter will change. After you enter the required information and press the “Submit” button requested data will be displayed.

The way data is displayed can be switched between the two options “Graphic display” and “JSON display”.

Graphic display

Graphic display will present the data in form of a table or a list, depending on the type of requested data, it allows for copying some crucial information such as addresses and displays certain information as links leading to a different type of information open in another tab in the data explorer. The data will be split into pages, you can adjust the size of the page by changing the number of displayed data to the right of the pagination.

Graphic display also provides some additional options such saving the data to a CSV file or in case of browsing a transaction, displaying a detailed graph.

JSON display

JSON display will present the data in form of a json, with the option to collapse and copy entire segments of the displayed data.

Sharing the results

Data explorer provides an easy way of sharing and saving a particular fragment of data by copying the url address. Every time you change a tab, submit information change the page, size of the page or even open the transaction graph this action will be saved in the query portion of the url, so you can simply copy and share that url address to come back to the exact same displayed data before copying the url.