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Logging with wallet

To make the process of logging in easier and faster in the future you can link your cryptocurrency wallet to your Api-Verse account to use it instead of entering your email and password.

Linking a wallet

To link a wallet to your account log in and navigate to the “Profile” under the “Account” tab on the sidebar, this will take you to your profile page where you can view and edit your accounts data.

Abi explorer

Here you can link your wallet to your account, to do this first you need to connect the wallet to the site, you can do this by clicking the “Connect Wallet” button placed in the “Connect wallet” field. This will open a modal with options to choose your wallet from.

After selecting the wallet you will get a request to connect your wallet to the site, after accepting this request the wallet will be connected.

The “Connected wallet” field will display information about the connected wallet and the “Link wallet” field will display an option to link the connected wallet to your Api-Verse account. Clicking “Link wallet to your account” will send a request to sign a message to your wallet, this will help us verify your ownership of the wallet you are trying to link.

After signing the message the “Link wallet” field will display the address of the linked wallet and option to unlink the wallet from your account.

Now you can log in to the site using the wallet you linked to your account.

Logging in

After linking your wallet you can log in using your wallet.

Abi explorer

To log in with a wallet press the “Connect Wallet to log in” button and connect your wallet in a similar manner to the connection required during the linking process.

After you connect your wallet the previous button will be replaced with a small menu where you can view the data of the connected wallet and disconnect it. There you will also see a “Log in” button, pressing it will send a request to sign a message to your wallet, to verify your ownership. Successfully signing the message will result in automatic logging to the site.