Contract View
Contract view
This view allows users to interact with specific methods of the loaded smart contract. It shows the interface for calling methods, displays information about the loaded contract and allows users to save loaded contracts in different configurations.
Once the contract is loaded, you can see the contract view which allows for different interactions with the loaded contract.
Connecting a wallet
As in the initial view, you will see the details of the connected wallet in the upper right corner. If at this point your wallet is not connected to the app in place of the details, you will see a “Connect Wallet” button to simply connect your wallet.

If you have loaded a contract on a different network than the network currently set up in you wallet instead of the details, you will see a “Wrong network” button.

By clicking this button you will see the expanded list of options allowing you to send a request of switching networks to your wallet or disconnecting your wallet.
Contract methods
The most important part of this view is the interface that allows you to interact with the methods of the loaded smart contracts. To do this, you must first select the methods you want to use. To do this, simply click on the name of the method you want to use, located in the sidebar on the left side of the view.
Methods located on the sidebar will be categorized into two groups:
Read - Here you will find methods that allow you to read data from the smart contract. Using these methods does not require a connected wallet. (Read methods without any input data will not appear here, as they are called automatically and displayed in the “Contract data” section).
Write - Here you will find methods that require gas to call, for this section you will not be able to call these methods without connecting a wallet.
After selecting a method, it will be opened in the middle of the view in the “Read” or “Write” section depending on the selected method. At this place, you will be able to see required inputs and call the methods. You can deselect methods by clicking the “X” icon in the top right corner of opened method or to the right of methods name on the sidebar.
Contract details
You will see sections with information about the loaded contract on the right side of the view.