Saving and loading
Saving section
Topmpost section is related to the saved version of the contract and will differ if your contract was previously saved.

If the currently loaded contract is not saved, only one button with the words "Save as" will be displayed. Clicking on this button will open a new window that allows you to save this contract, provided your wallet is connected.

Suppose the currently loaded contract was already saved. In that case, this section will contain the name under which it was saved, option to change this name, an url address leading to the saved contract, option to change the privacy of this url address and an option to save the contract with changed details.
Contract Overview
You will find the “Contract Overview” section right under the “Saving” section. It contains all the basic information about loaded contracts.

Here you will find contracts name, address, balance and network on which it is located.
Contract Data
The last and downmost section on the right is “Contract Data” section which displays more detailed information about the loaded contracts.

When the contract is loaded, all write methods that do not require any input are automatically called and their results displayed in this section. There is also a small refresh icon to the right of each information, which, when pressed, will call the method again and update the displayed information.
Loading contract with changed details
If you have loaded a contract without saving it, you can notice an additional section in the middle of the view under selected read and write methods.
This section allows you to load a new contract by changing either the address, the network or both while retaining currently loaded ABI. It provides an easy way to interact with multiple versions of your contract in quick succession. If you have loaded a saved contract a similar option will be available to you from the “Save as” menu.