Loading contract
Verified Contract
Upon opening the application, “Verified Contract” will be the tab selected by default. It allows users to load verified contracts by providing their addresses.
To load a contract this way, simply enter the address of the verified contract. You can also enter a name, which will allow you to save the contract once it has been loaded, saving you the need to enter its details in the future, remember that to save contracts you must connect your wallet to the application.
Address + ABI
To load a contract by providing ABI, click on the “Address + ABI” tab under the network selection input. It allows you to load both verified and unverified contracts by providing their address and ABI.
To load a contract in this way you have to input the address of the contract and its ABI in json format. This can be done either by pasting the ABI directly or by selecting a txt file from your computer. You can also enter a name, which will save the contract once it has been loaded, saving you from having to enter its details in the future. Note that in order to save contracts, it is necessary to connect the wallet to the application.
Loading a contract
After filling in the details, you can load the contract by pressing one of the buttons under the contract details.

Load Contract - This option will be available if the specified address exists on the selected network and if the provided ABI is in a correct format (if the “Address + ABI” tab is active). Pressing this button will load the contract and proceed to the next view.
Save & Load Contract - Like “Load Contract”, this option will be available if the data entered is correct, but it also requires a connected wallet and a specific name under which the contract can be saved. Pressing this button will load the contract and proceed to the next view, while simultaneously saving the contract.
Note that you can still save your contract later if you chose the “Load Contract” option now.
Load saved contracts
To load previously saved contracts you have to connect your wallet to the application. After that navigate to the “Load Saved” tab on the bottom of the view.

After navigating to the “Load Saved” tab, a table containing all your previously saved contracts will appear.
Here you can view your saved contracts. You will see their name, address and network. Selecting a contract from the list will load all saved details and proceed to the next view. You can also remove any no unnecessary contracts from the list by pressing the “delete” icon on the right of each contract and open the contract on Block Explorer by pressing the icon to the right of the saved contracts address. Note that not all contracts can be opened in the Block Explorer.